BBMzansi Week 10 Voting Percentage for Housemates 2022

BBMzansi Week 10 Voting Percentage for Housemates 2022

BBMzansi Week 10 Voting Percentage for Housemates 2022.

Week 9 voting has been completed, and results are out; it was time for eviction of housemate(s) from the Big Brother Mzansi reality TV show 2022.

Here is the voting result for week 9 in the Big Brother South Africa season 3. The voting result gives a look at the housemate topping the chart for the week and the overall strong contender in the BBM reality show.

Housemates up for week 9 eviction were having moments of rethink waiting for the call of evicted housemates by Lawrence Maleka in the Big Brother Mzansi 2022.

Final BBM Voting Percentage for Week 10

  1. Gash1 – Loading%
  2. Mphowabadimo – Loading%
  3. Themba – Loading%
  4. Libo – Loading%
  5. Tulz  – Loading%

BBM Voting Percentage for Week 9

  1. Gash1 – Locked%
  2. Mphowabadimo – Locked%
  3. Sis Themba – 17.26%
  4. Thato – 14.97%
  5. Terry – 9.59%
BBMzansi Result 9

BBM Voting Percentage for Week 7

  1. Gash1 – Reserved%
  2. Mpho – Reserved %
  3. Thato – 19.10%
  4. Nale – 17.92%
  5. Venus – 7.50%
BBMzansi Result 7 2

BBM Voting Percentage for Week 6

  1. Gash1 – Loading…%
  2. Mpho – Loading…%
  3. Nale – Loading…%
  4. Nthabii – Loading…%
  5. Sis Tamara – Loading…%
  6. Thato – Loading…%

BBM Voting Percentage for Week 5

  1. Gash1 – Loading…%
  2. Norman – Loading…%
  3. Nthabii – Loading…%
  4. Terry – Loading…%
  5. Themba – Loading…%
  6. Vyno – Loading…%
  7. Yoli – Loading…%

BBM Voting Percentage for Week 4

  1. Libo – Reserved
  2. Nale – Reserved
  3. Thato – Reserved
  4. Vyno – Reserved
  5. Venus – 11.24%
  6. BU – 9.85%
  7. Zino – 7.8%
BBMzansi Week 4 Voting Percentage for Housemates 2022

BBM Voting Percentage for Week 3

  1. Mphowabadimo – Reserved
  2. Vyno– Reserved
  3. Themba – Reserved
  4. Nale – Reserved
  5. Nthabii – 6.61%
  6. Zino – 5.04%
  7. Acacia – 2.61% (EVICTED)

Housemates voting Percentage Week Three

BBMzansi Week 3 Result 2


Zino BBM 10 2


BU BBM 7 2


Acacia BBM 9 4


Mvelo BBM 7 2


Dinkybliss BBM 7 2

As the Big Brother South Africa show is on the go, we can see housemates with more strategies to win the grand prize; some Housemates who couldn’t pull votes from voters and fans will be sent packing from Biggie’s house.

READ:  About Sis Tamara BBMzansi 2022 Housemates, Biography/Profile

Some Frequently Asked Questions

Check some frequently asked questions about Big Brother Mzansi 2022.

Activation of BBMzansi Channel on DStv

Viewers on DStv can watch the BBMzansi live show on Channel 198 every day as the show progresses to the final stages. . If the channel is not showing, you have to rescan to get the DStv BBMzansi channel. Make sure you are locked down to the DStv Compact  and Big Brother Mzansi Channel 198 and Channel 161 for live show to avoid the questions on how to watch Big Brother Mzansi on DStv.

How to Watch BBMzansi on the Phone

The Big Brother Mzansi 2022 can be viewed live on Android or iPhones. You can watch the BB Mzansi 2022 show from your mobile phone by downloading the DStv Now App. It is available for Android (Play Store) and iOS stores (Apple Store).

An interested person who watches the show should follow HERE to Download on Android or Download DSTV Now App for iOS by following HERE.

You will have to create DStv Connect ID. You will need your smart card number to create the ID. Click on the DSTV Now Menu icon to reveal a list of TV channels available for streaming online.

Related Searches:

  • Week 10 voting percentage in BBMzansi 2022
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Stay connected to weekly voting results and Percentages in Big Brother Mzansi 2022.

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